!!!! Will run the rest of the line as a system command.
#### Will interpret the rest of the line as a comment.
::::_r Will pop the top two values off of the stack. The old second-to-top
value will be stored in the array _r, indexed by the old top-of-stack
;;;;_r Pops the top-of-stack and uses it as an index into the array _r. The
selected value is then pushed onto the stack.
The array operations :::: and ;;;; are usually only used by traditional
implementations of _b_c. (The GNU _b_c is self contained and does not need
_d_c to run.) The comment operator #### is a new command not found in
traditional implementations of _d_c.
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 4444
DDDDCCCC((((1111)))) DDDDCCCC((((1111))))
Email bug reports to bbbbuuuugggg----ggggnnnnuuuu----uuuuttttiiiillllssss@@@@pppprrrreeeepppp....aaaaiiii....mmmmiiiitttt....eeeedddduuuu. Be sure to include
the word ``dc'' somewhere in the ``Subject:'' field.